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Hello Ladies & Gents, my name is Katrina. For now my second home is my school, Cornell University and I learning and I'm learning to love many things. I feel like who I think I am changes every few months so I just wont even try to explain myself. You wont get me...but here, you'll definitely get a glimpse of me. Enjoy. http://khadijalani.tumblr.com/

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Phrase Analysis

The Phrase: "God will not give you something you cannot handle." 

I don't know if people realize how much everyone's lives are linked or interconnected to one another. Some of the people who have impacted your life, probably don't think about the incident the way you do, or much at all. And the same goes for you, you have impacted other's lives in a way you could  never imagine.

So how does this relate to the quote? Well, a lot of the time, God has a plan for how He wants us to live our lives in accordance to Him, but instead of following it, we use our free will as an excuse, and choose to do our own thing and create relationships that were not meant to be close one's. In this way, we bring these problems on ourselves. People need to stop blaming God for things that happen to them, because they chose to fall into temptation or create these problems for themselves.

The Take Away: Operate in grace. Be obedient to God's will, His plan for our lives are amazing because to serve God rather than ourselves is for a higher calling, a better purpose. When we do so, yes things will happen to discourage us, but God allows these things to happen not to distress you, but to build you up, create in you a new heart and new mind so that you think with wisdom (Psalm 51:10) and love, and so that others can see you as living proof as to what a Christian should act like and truly be like. Your life is not your own, but was bought through a precious and generous sacrifice. Let us serve our purpose on this earth in accordance to God's will and to bring honor and glory to Him.

Love you.

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